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Girish Chowdhary received his PhD and MS degrees from Georgia Institute of Technology. He has postdoctoral research experience at the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS) of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and prior research experience at the German Aerospace Center's (DLR's) Institute of Flight Systems. He is currently an assistant professor at Oklahoma State University's School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Girish's ongoing research interest is in creating provable algorithms to enable intelligent adaptive autonomy for large-scale and long-duration UAS operation. He has authored over 90 peer reviewed papers and made several key contributions to adaptive control, aircraft system identification, fault tolerant control, distributed sensing and inference, Bayesian nonparametric learning and control, autonomous UAS operation over long durations, vision aided navigation and control, and UAS avionics systems. His work has been applied and flight-tested on several research UASs and he has been deeply involved in the development and automation of over 10 UAS.  Girish is the PI on several federally funded projects, including those by AFOSR, NASA, NSF, and DOE.Girish received the Ward Memorial Lecture award from the Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems committee for outstanding contributions to plug-and-adapt UAS autonomy in 2015. He also received the AFOSR Young Investigator Award in 2015.

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