*Photo courtesy of Carolinas Aviation Museum
The Gyrodyne QH50 was the worlds first vertical take off and landing unmanned aerial vehicle.
Under U.S. NAVY operation for anti submarine warfare the QH50 operated from 1949 until 2006. With a payload of torpedoes or Nuclear munitions this once classified design accumulated more logged flight hours than any helicopter drone ever produced.
Luminati VTOL acquired all helicopter designs of Gyrodyne via an assets sale in 2018. With 57 years of logged flight hours carrying munitions up to 15 megatons from U.S. destroyers, Luminati is taking this most proven and trusted platform and breathing new life into it with state of the art guidance and navigation control electronics. Variants will be produced to accommodate new ISR payloads (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) in support of America and our modern war fighters.
The unique coaxial design generates 40% more lift per horsepower than a standard Sikorsky configuration while eliminating three of the most common causes of helicopter failures. The QH50 further uses tip brakes instead of differential speed control for yaw thus eliminating the top complexities of other coaxial designs.
Please inquire to learn more.